Monday, March 17, 2008

Time for a change!

Coffee House was amazing. There 25 different performances and about 400 people showed up. Performances ranged from skits, traditional dance, music, singing, piano, bands, and a rapper. Coffee House just gets better every year!

Here is our class skit - Give it to me, MD!

Have you ever been down and realized you need to snap out of it? We all have ups and downs in life. Sometimes you decide to make changes and most of the time you just get over it. HSF(Human Structure and Function) is an amazing course - since we doing what we all thought medical school will be - dissecting Cadavers. But HSF not only includes Anatomy, but Radiology, Physiology, Clinical Anatomy, Embryology, and Histology and all within a span of 18 weeks. We have to learn all about the human body (except head and neck) in 18 weeks! We have about an exam a week, and sometimes 2 in a week. It can be overwhelming and tiring at times.

Not doing as great I was hoping in the first few weeks of the course, lots of responsibility as MSEC President, not living the healthy lifestyle I desire, and more led me to not being the happiest person in the world. I was regretting why I chose medical school - is this what I really want in life and have I made the best choices?

After realizing that there was no real reason for being down, I realized, I cant be like this anymore. I needed to make adjustments in my life.

So for the last week or so, I am running, eating healthy, strictly studying at college, abiding by my study schedule, sleeping properly. Hence - I am a much happier person.

Sometimes, you start hating a place, your life, or everything, but just little changes can make a big difference!

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