Monday, February 16, 2009

Considering Cornell? Why WCMC-Q?

Are you in high school? Trying to decide on a university? Where in the world? What career?

Here are somethings to consider:

1. If you are planning on attending WCMC-Q's accelerated program, please be sure you want to be a doctor!

For me, I knew in 11th grade that I really wanted to be a doctor. I had no doubt. And I still do not have a doubt!
Once you are at Cornell, you will become a doctor. That is of course if you study hard, work hard and perform to Cornell standards. My point is that you cannot easily change your decision.
Unlike many universities in the world, you can start off majoring in biochemistry and then switch to English major and then finally graduate with a Psychology major. You can change your decision easily without losing too much time or having to change institutions or moving.

2. Be ready to work hard!

Cornell is a rigorous and stressful program. Your first three semesters of premed determine whether you will get into medical school. Also, you will be taking the MCATs in summer of first year. Hence, you will not have a full summer off like most of your high school classmates. Also, your MCAT score and grades will determine entrance to medical school.

Many people cannot cope with program because they do not realize how important it is to perform to Cornell standard. Many of my classmates from premed did not make it to medical school because they didnt realize the importantance of performance in freshman classes. I believe the students that did not make it are completely capable of being physicians, but they had a difficult time transitioning into university life.

I am not discouraging you from choosing Cornell. It is an oustanding institution with an amazing education with a small student/faculty ratio. But be ready to work hard with limited free time to explore other hobbies and interests! Cornell expects you to dedicate yourself completely to your education to become a world-class physician.

3. Be ready to make some great friends for life.

You will be spending a lot of time with your classmates. You will become close to each of your classmates, since the class size is small. This is a great! The university consists of diverse students from many different countries and various backgrounds. You will have a great experience. Maybe not the typical American university life, but you will have a unique experience to feel proud of in the future. This is a new world-class growing community that will give you amazing opportunities.

4. Are there enough extracurricular opporunities?

Yes, in the last four years, opportunities have increased substantially. Here are a few types of things you can consider doing in Education City:
1. UREP research (paid) at the molecular level with proper equipped labs.
2. Doha Debates that is shown on BBC.
3. Medical Student Executive Council in Qatar helps the student body by organzing events, discussing student concerns with Student Affairs and Deans office.
4. Resident Hall Council for the dorms. It plans dorm events and try hard to improve quality of life.
5. Become a paid CDA of the dorms. This is a paid job to patrol the dorms.
6. University sports teams - cricket, basketball, and soccer.

All the best, and hope you will consider WCMC-Q as your university of choice.